How can you build your business network ? There are several paths to build your own business network such as clubs, social media, official meetings, industry conferences, information groups, online environment and for sure, networking organizations which are settled only to provide continuous business transactions and development between members based on mutual benefits. Let's put all into actions: a) Designate and Act towards b) Have and Manage c) Provide and Get Friendship and sincerity are two fundamental elements of business life as well as agent networking. Networking is an art of communication and contact management for ultimate success. In this approach you can build your business network and gain your own circle of trust. What is the agent networking for freight forwarders and logistics companies ? Agent Networking: being aware of the external market to increase shipment volume and cooperation level... Market segments for freight forwarders and logistics companies must be understood well to reply this question in an effective way. There are two types of potential markets for freight forwarders and logistics companies. These are defined as internal and external markets. The internal market is formed by exporters, importers and manufacturers located at your country. These are the original sources where freight forwarders can get their business. The external market is mainly formed by your worldwide connections which address special attention and mutual trust to create a reliable and stable partnership. We know it is not easy to reach right partners, but with our assistance you can access the difficult external market with less effort. A network organization who knows what he is doing can turn networking adventure into a success story but the one who pay no attention to the strategies will turn this into a failure story instead. Agent networking creates an opportunity and provides right tools to cooperate with dedicated partners who are freight forwarders and logistics companies as you are. In this way, agents are gathered under the same global umbrella to provide benefit to one another. It is also a great opportunity to meet qualified and independent freight forwarders, which makes you stronger in worldwide operations and more competitive in the growing global economy. Agent networking is the only way to manage your external market effectively with hand picked partners. Member agents meet meticulously selected partners through agent networking and as a result, increase their shipment volume with the support of fellow agents. How can you build your freight forwarders and logistics agent network ? We know that your valuable companies are approached by various network organizations all the time and they all mention the same things that it would be a good chance to have new partners to reach success. Obviously it is true. However, there are still some differences at that critical point. Three simple questions should be asked: *What is your agent networking strategy ? *Will you really meet like-minded companies in those organizations ? *What kind of agent networking strategies do they have ? You can build your agent network through worldwide networking organizations who understand your needs, plans, tactics, strategies and targets. You should take a part in the organizations who will work with you on the way to success. The best and effective solution to build and have strong worldwide agent network is "Strategy Focused Networking" and it refers to be associated with LIKE MINDED people who are focused one one common goal of achieving success. Please review our associations >>>